Complete Blog 4 - Dividends - Do they matter?
Dividends 101 Prior to this week's lecture, I assumed shareholders would prefer to have dividends than not. As the owners of the company, they would expect idle cash to be returned, in order to ensure capital is allocated efficiently. As the lecture progressed, there was a thought-provoking question posed; would shareholders prefer dividends or the company to invest in positive NPV projects. My thoughts here were different to before, such that I expected companies to invest in all positive NPV projects available in order to maximize the future earnings potential. My initial thoughts aligned to the 'Dividend irrelevance theory'. This theory was created by Modigliani and Miller in 1961 and it stated that share prices are determined by investment decisions. Investing in all positive NPV projects should be the only consideration when looking to maximise the company value. This indicates that dividends are the residual cash after investing in these projects. Because of ...